This hyperactivity also makes me uncertain of what feelings I have right now, but I'm positive that they are certain feelings (see what I did there?)™.
I'll use this burst of inspiration to just write about anything that comes to mind and then top it off with several entries from my diary.
I was free from school today, due to some kind of day called "Tokyo day" or whatever, I didn't really clamor for details (I lost attention when he said "free tomorrow"). I used the free time to take care of several things:
I finally got that Alien registration thing done, it was a pain to fill the form and then wait but I feel good having it done. Though they called me later in the day, being all panicked over whether to transcribe my Ö as "O" or "OE" (OE sounds retarded to me, O is better, but they settled for OE anyway). Now I just have to wait for three weeks and then go back (alone, but it was really close, apparently).
Then I sent a package with stuff home to my family, it was mostly packed with presents for mah bro (apologies, elder brother, I'll never say that again, it was horrible) along with a card (in which I promptly forgot to write "happy birthday", d'oh! I'll write it here instead) Grattis på födelsedagen, broder! (lite sent men whatever).
After that adventure, I went shopping with my host mother. But not the kind of (admittedly) irresponsible shopping I usually do, but shopping for laundry soap and foodstuffs (and maybe some snacks...), I felt so grown up paying for everyday things at a supermarket. I really like supermarkets in Japan, they play music all the time, good music. Like, the ending theme to Bakemonogatari (repeatably).
Talking about stuff, I've gotten these weird bumps on my arms, turns out they're called muscles. Seems like all the P.E in school is paying off. By the end of this year, I'll be a Japanese-mastered, beard grown, responsible and strong adult (NO). That's fun.
Man, I can't really remember what I've written before, I might risk repeating myself. Which is a new turn for this blog (it's like a bad spin-off of my usual "contradicting myself").
So I take it I've told you about Ryuuta already, give me a heads up if I haven't.
That gives me a brilliant idea, if you want me to write about something - anything here, just throw me a comment and I'll be happy to write about it (don't worry, I'm finally writing more about school below). You'd be surprised if you knew how easily flattered I am by comments (and discouraged by the lack of them. I'm human after all).
Anyway, about Ryuuta, I haven't talked to him much at all this week, but from today on, I feel inspired to change that.
If you were wondering why I'm so hyper, it's because of a quasi-good reason called MyLifeIsG, I spent a good two hours reading the entries and it made me realize something about political correctness.
Oh and by the by, I got Fay's Booke (haha) a few weeks ago (did I write this?) and I resolved to uploading all of my pictures over there if you desired them. Though I might put one or two of them up here if I feel like it (which would be the first time I'd upload a picture on my blog). However, I do not want to become the kind of guy who goes around saying "Oh, just check my Facebook page" (similar to how I swore not to become the "Daaah, read my blog!" type. I might have tread the lines on that one though). So I won't make any vital information exclusive to that site, everything interesting will be posted here, see it as an extension of my internet persona (which has more or less melded with my real identity by now, that's something I should worry about).
By the way, I stole the "..."-thing from Neil Gaiman, though I haven't read his blog in quite a while (you can find it to the right).
I figured I should test the image uploading thing now and give you guys a treat. And to avoid having to pick between the many bad photos of Japan I've taken, I'll upload the picture I drew for the Art Café, the one I spent so much time filling in the white on.
Well, that's good enough, time to add the (very long) diary entries.
Thursday 10/09/2009
I'm 15 minutes early for homeroom and my only company is a sleeping guy and a girl who's just studying (another girl just entered but she doesn't seem talkative either).
I'll just start right where the last entry ended.
Ise-sensei told us some of the rules and that we should come to the English department (Eigoka) instead of having homeroom for the first two weeks (as of right now, we've been doing this for way longer than two weeks), except Thursdays. After hearing that, we were supposed to meet our classes, we got separated and Ise-sensei took me to my class, 11-6.
11-6 is located on the top floor in the south (or it might be the west) wing. The class has got 38 students, plus me. When I entered the classroom, all of those 38 students turned their gaze towards me, all I could do was to sneak onto a nearby seat with no hopes of actually being subtle.
Luckily the teacher needed to go through some papers with the class. So all the attention I had gathered was quickly abandoned in favor of the blackboard.
But soon the teacher (who is female and quite a serious person by her looks) called me up front and told me to introduce myself. For the task of introducing myself (in Japanese) in front of 38 Japanese students I'd never seen before, I'd say I did pretty well.
Aaaand there was the second bell, homeroom starts now.
Friday 11/09/2009
Oh hey it's the same date as that day when lots of people died in a terror attack, and two American buildings were destroyed, oh God no!
Being an insensitive jerk aside, I'm in the library, listening to my revived cellphone, it makes me miss you.
I just found out that the library had a Japanese copy of "The hungry caterpillar", a book I've loved since childhood. I read it with glee, and to my pleasant surprise, I could understand almost everything that was written. Go me!
Final Destination (Brawl) just started playing, inspiration comes to me.
Continuing from the last entry:
After the introduction, I made it back to my seat and faded into the (pale yellow) background, while the teacher started talking about stuff again. But fortunately I didn't fade too much (pretty hard in bright environments) as the girl sitting in front of me turned around and started talking to me. After a few minutes of complicated but amusing conversation, the teacher approached me with a box of folded notes in hand. Apparently it was time to arrange the seating. I picked up the first piece of paper I noticed, it had the number 4.
I was unamazed by this regular number, but then I looked up at the (green) blackboard and suddenly I couldn't stop smiling.
Number 4 is the second seat from the back, next to the windows.
Kyon's seat.
When all had gotten their new seats, the teacher dismissed us and it was the end of my first day in school. I was happy, I just knew my time in this school was destined to be good.
"Simple and Clean", the Intro to Kingdom Hearts, is playing. I need to find some KH fangirls to hang out with (haven't found any yet).
I actually need to find some friends in general, I'm starting to feel lonely (not anymore! To an extent).
Oh, Death Note music just started playing, and here I sit with a pen and a notebook, it can't be a coincidence! Mwahahaha!
Goddammit, why won't it work?!
I think I'll skip the chronology when writing about school from now on, just so you know.
No more school stuff right now though, I don't feel like it.
What I do feel like (and have felt like all day) is playing brawl, I think I'll try to force myself to muster the courage to ask if anyone in my class knows about it, maybe even owns it (And that eventually lead to me playing Melee with Ryuuta & friends during a lunch break, awesomesauce).
Looking back through the pages, I see my handwriting has changed between every paragraph, it looks funny. But at least it's quite readable, that's a great achievement for me.
Oh and obviously my handwriting is the most screwed up when I write about it, I'm blaming it on the fact that I'm listening to "Hito Toshite Jiku Ga Bureteiru".
Whoa, it's becoming hard for me to avoid using Hiragana when writing Japanese, that's mostly good.
Looks like my self study hour is over (though I had no homework), thus I end this diary entry here and now.
If any of you were interested in the whole "handwriting" matter, I'll just go ahead and put up a picture of the page here.
I think I like to upload pictures of my notebook...
There's actually another entry (which is a lot newer), I should get it on here too but I've had enough for today, I'll do it tomorrow (have you noticed how I never keep those kind of promises?).
Bye for today people, I still miss you.
There's actually another entry (which is a lot newer), I should get it on here too but I've had enough for today, I'll do it tomorrow (have you noticed how I never keep those kind of promises?).
Bye for today people, I still miss you.