tisdag 24 november 2009

This Rainbow Can't Fly

My titles have ever so slowly moved from slightly related to the subject matter at hand to the weirdest stuff I can come up with right before writing, I should improve that.

To use slight profanity: Well, damn. It has already been two weeks since my last yadda yadda yadda (it feels weird using that expression now that I know what "yadda" means and I'm fully aware of how poorly it fits as an expression in that manner) and today makes 108 blah blah blah 15 weeks a derp derp derp.

The last two weeks have been pretty darn bad. After getting back to school on Tuesday, things continued normally. But it was all quickly interrupted by me becoming sick (just a cold, calm down) on Friday, for an entire week.

I had felt pretty bad about taking Monday off, getting one week of sick leave did not make me feel any better about it. But it all kept going down from there.

The very same day I had fallen ill I got to know my girlfriend had been hurt and was in a worse shape than me (though she recovered quickly, thank god). Being all the way over here and unable to properly comfort her, I felt like a horrible boyfriend (and I have yet to make up for it, gah!)

That thing plus the fact that I was more or less limited to a house with very little to do except sleeping (in a cold room), while also at first not being trusted by my host family (they thought I was just avoiding school until they had me go to a hospital for a checkup. You might have heard of my fear of hospitals.) Made me feel more homesick than ever before (or not exactly homesick, just an incredibly strong desire to be where my girlfriend is, which happens to be Sweden).

Wow, this entry seems so depressing, I should probably counter with some happy stuff before you all think I'm emo or something (and that would be simply awful!).

Today was a really good day, back in school and all.

Which brings me to a funny story.

The very same day I got back to school (last week's Friday), the entire 11th grade was sent home due to severe cases of the flu. So I got myself a full weekend plus a red day on Monday, awesome. The awesomeness started instantly as Truls and I went to Shibuya (school is like 20 minutes on a train from Shibuya) since we had gotten time on our hands anyway (we were sent home in the beginning of lunch break). In Shibuya I found the perfect store to buy Christmas presents in (no spoilers though). However, I did not have enough money to go wild with so instead I bought something I had needed myself for a while (a mug, the most awesome one ever. Pictures some other time) and promised myself to return later.

I've also managed to become great friends with Santtu and I'll be joining him on his shopping spree before he returns home to Finland. Which gives me a great opportunity to buy the other kind of Christmas presents (the cool kind). He also showed me that there is a Hard Off in Machida (the store chain I bought my awesome electric guitar in. Said guitar is also up for name suggestions, by the way).

Another fun thing to mention is that the local supermarket often has sales on candy (chocolate in particular), making shameless export of Pocky (and other sweets) a much cheaper effort.

Friday did actually host another positive event. During the short recess before homeroom would start and we would be given the fateful announcement, I was sitting in my seat (number 2 from the back, next to the windows. Kyon's) playing Pokemon on my DSi (I actually happened to beat the pokemon league just today, on the first try). When the two girls who sit in front and behind me, took out their DS' (pronounced: "dee-ess-ess", it's plural) and started having fun in pictochat.

On a brave impulse, I saved & exited pokemon and joined their chatroom.

Long story short: I now have two new friends, that I can easily talk to every day.


Now, this would probably be the best time to write that class schedule I promised about 10 weeks ago, or that diary entry I wrote 6 weeks ago. Or tell the story of the trip to Hakone I made 2 weeks ago.

But no.

Miss you so dearly.
I also miss the rest of you, in unequal amounts.
More to come (at some point).

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