måndag 22 november 2010

Min värld

Det är mitt i natten på en Söndag och jag kan inte sova, dags att blogga!

Jag anser mig vara en person med mycket fantasi. Kanske inte mycket mer än vem som helst men jag låter det definitivt påverka mig mer. Jag har en mycket stor entusiasm till idéer, en entusiasm som de flesta inte tycks dela.

Ni vet de där gångerna då man snackar om något slumpmässigt och man kommer fram till att "Fan, man borde göra nåt sånt asså" (Starta ett band, göra en hemsida, osv osv) och sen nämner man det aldrig igen.

Min grej är att jag nämner det igen, på direkten. Så fort idén har satts i mitt huvud börjar jag arbeta på den (om jag inte redan tänkt på nåt liknande förut i mina dagdrömmar, då använder jag bara det råmaterialet). Det dröjer inte mer än några sekunder förrän jag börjar komma med förslag på hur denna idé skulle kunna bli en verklighet. Jag blir då oftast bemött av ett "Va!? Va du seriös?" och kanske ett "Nej asså det var ju bara på skoj" (tonåringar säger ofta "asså").

Sånt gör mig ganska ledsen. Jag trodde we were onto something, dude.
Ibland tänker jag på alla dessa bortkastade idéer som aldrig fick en chans att förverkligas. Tänk vad som hänt om vi faktiskt startat ett band, gjort det där spelet, skrivit den där listan? Min dröm är att jobba med något som låter mig använda alla dessa idéer jag fått (eller vidarebyggt på från andra, stäm mig). Jag vill kunna skriva böcker eller göra spel eller vad som helst. Dagen då jag faktiskt ska gå på arbetsintervju närmar sig med stormsteg, jag vill faktiskt ha något att visa den dagen. Tänk om jag faktiskt hade en kortfilm att visa upp i mitt portfolio för att bli anställd som regissör på SVT? Tänk om jag hade en webcomic att länka till i min ansökan som krönikör i Metro?

Alla dessa idéer finns här inne i mitt huvud, men lär nog aldrig komma ut därifrån så länge som folk förvånas av min seriösa inställning till balla idéer.

Ett nyligen uppdagat problem som också utkommer från min till synes överdrivna fantasi är att jag tydligen idoliserar jämlikar.

Jag har väldigt lätt för att lägga en stämpel på någon (ytligt, jag vet) och hålla fast vid den.
Nu är det inte så att jag bestämmer att någon är "töntig, dum i huvet" och skrattar åt denne hädanefter. Snarare så tar jag en tydligt positiv (eller negativ om jag ogillar personen på ett personligt plan) aspekt av individen och sen... Glorifierar den.
När personens namn nämns så ler jag och säger "hah, X är Y". X är då den omtalades namn och Y är aspekten jag fokuserar på.
Ett exempel är en god vän jag har som uppskattar att kallas "speciell" (med ironiskt tonläge). Jag skulle då kanske i någon msn konversation kunna säga "lol, X är så "speciell" :P". Eller bara direkt till personen "X, du är fett "speciell", vet du det?".

Jag undrar verkligen om mitt sätt att klassifiera folk på det viset är så lämpligt. Jag har redan fått höra av en person att jag borde lägga av med det men jag har svårt att förstå varför det är så illa. Det hjälper mig hålla koll på folk och ger mig något att le om när jag talar om dem. Är det respektlöst av mig att summera folk på det viset?

Är båda de här beteendena negativa bieffekter av för mycket dagdrömmeri? Borde jag lägga av med det och istället släppa ämnet när vi talat om en idé? Borde jag vänta tills jag förstått helheten av en person innan jag tänker på dem?

Should I have written this in English?

onsdag 2 juni 2010

Screw the system, I don't need no title

Bam. didn't expect this did you? Neither did I (Man I love the word "neither"). I was just sitting there on the couch thinking "It sure got late quickly, I've wasted yet another day I could've spent on writing an update". But nay, nay I say! I went to my blog bookmark for some reason and decided to see what would happen if I pressed "new entry". Little did I know this would happen.

(Have you ever noticed how many times the word "I" is used in a blog? Especially mine? Well I sure didn't notice!)

If you thought I would give a detailed explanation as to what I've been up to the last two months (or whatever the hell has been happening the entire spring here in Japan, for that matter), you'd be wrong. I made (had? I can't English anymore) an important realization recently: It's not entertaining to read stuff like "today I - and then I x and then ~ happened, followed by |. It was all very interesting and fun until * occurred, so embarrassing!"

Instead I shall do my best to write from my soul, that thing people make jokes about having sold to the devil and stuff, a bad name for pets and also part of what makes Soul Eater so awesome (also I've yet to try out God Eater, despite having had the game in my possession for quite a while).

So yeah today I got this cool idea for a character and I just have to tell somebody about it, not that it's great or anything but you know. Aaaaanyways it's probably based upon Princess Mononoke, an Eon character I once made and a tint of Discworld.
So there's this guy and no way, no damn way am I going to start a description that way. That would be so... Average!

So anyways imagine an academy for magicians and sorcerers (oh ho ho so original) where the character in question would be a talented student (yes, this is all very unique and inspiring I assure you) with just a bit too much curiosity. He befriends one of the teachers (adoptive father?) and asks an intriguing question: Why do the teachers have extremely powerful spells despite no such spells being described in any of the books at the academy? (he's obviously read them all, being the genius he is).
The answer is revealed to be a secret tome hidden somewhere in the dungeons (there has to be dungeons!) from which the magicians learn fascinating things.
After Harry Potter-esque investigations, the prodigy learns of the tome's location and finds a way to break into its vault. He then finds the tome and opens it.
That's where things go horribly wrong.
You see, it's by no means a normal book. Inside of it is a sealed demon, holder of immeasurable power and even more evil. Normally a fully educated mage would carefully put several layers of his most powerful protection spells on himself and then proceed to barely touch the book with his finger, hoping to only let a single fragment of a spell from the demon seep into him. All under careful supervision by at least 4 seniors.
Our hero (the poor bastard) instead opens the book wide, without any protective spells, all alone.

His inhuman scream of pain and terror is enough to alert the attention of the entire staff, the wizards teleport to the room instantly and manage to halt the demon's process to completely possess our poor guy.
While they do manage to save his life and psyche, his body is another story. Both of his arms that touched the book were completely covered in dark magic symbols, leaving the spellcasters no choice but to amputate them before they would start strangling everyone within reach due to the demon's influence. The rest of his body was only partially covered in symbols (and with covered I mean burned into his flesh), each containing powerful spells some people could only wish to hear about once in a lifetime. While there was no risk for the demon to take control over the character anymore, the warlocks were obviously reluctant to let someone with such immense power roam free. So he is virtually imprisoned inside the academy for a good portion of his life, rarely having anyone else to talk to but his own thoughts (slight insanity is cool I hear).

The adventure obviously kicks off once he makes his escape. (whaddya think?)

Alright so that took more time to write than I expected (ideas always do) but now that I've got that out of my mind for a while I feel like I can actually talk a little bit about what I've been up to, no details though (or rather, details without the big picture).

I've gone to karaoke recently, for a grand total of 4 times during this year (sad, I know). After the latest one I made the amazing discovery of finding out that I'm actually kind of good at it. I managed to sing Hito Toshite Jiku Ga Bureteiru, PAPERMOON, Zankoku Na Tenshi No Teese, Haruka Kanata and many others without great problems (and apparently my Japanese sounds solid when I sing songs). It's enough to make me go "Yay!" a few times.

Oh yeah, the end is getting near. I got my flight information in the (virtual) mail the other day. It looks like I'll be arriving at Arlanda around 19.35 on the 12th of June (that's like totally soon man).

It being so near to my return. I've decided to do something fun and go to school dressed in all those fancy clothes I brought but ended up never using. Today I took my fanciest clothes of all, including my dear glasses, and proceeded to go to school.
I ended up being called Ikemen (it kind of means "good looking guy") or Kakkoii more times than during the entire year. I'm not sure if I should be happy for the praise or frown over the Japanese girls' shallowness (I just wore different clothes, how does that suddenly make my physical appearance more attractive?)
I'm half tempted to cut my hair and dye it blonde just to go all the way on this ゼクシい track. We'll see about it.

Well, it looks like this will have to be it for today. Do remember though that I still intend to make at least one of those fancy things called a "Vlog" before I return.

Ooh, just got a cellphone mail.

torsdag 18 mars 2010

Not good enough

So today was fun. First I missed a homeroom I was not aware about, then I was too late to get to the meeting for the upcoming Kyoto trip (alright, it felt like this day would suck when that happened). But things got brighter quickly, I found the teacher responsible for the meeting and got all the papers I needed. Then I headed to the language school and found Janina and Eva, so I spent the day hanging out with them, that was the totally fun part.

However, as the universe likes measuring things out and decided that my day had been a bit lacking in the embarrassment-department, I ended up with a sudden nosebleed on the train home. It was pretty damn hazukashii, I can say. Luckily a nice lady gave me an entire package of tissues, so I was saved by her selfless gesture (somewhat, it's still pretty embarrassing to walk home with a blood stained face and a mass of bloodied tissues in one hand). Ah well.

On the other hand, now I can proudly say I've experienced the act of coughing up blood first-hand. I suddenly sympathize with Shonen heroes everywhere.

Yeah guys I know, I've left you in the dark for well over a month and I have evidence that some of you might actually be genuinely interesting in what happened during that time.
Therefore I have come to the conclusion that I can't be bothered to write about it all here.

Before you start raging, I'll tell you about my solution to my laziness - by shamelessly stealing ideas. So yeah I'm gonna try to do the same as Erika did not long ago and dabble in the Video log business (hip people call it "Vlogging" and as I aspire to be a froody fellow, I'll start using that name for it too).

Now, I'm way too preoccupied with wasting time on trivial stuff so my first attempt at Vlogging will appear in my next blog entry, whenever that might be. Bye for now.

onsdag 10 februari 2010

Let's put a smile on that face


Anyways, last Friday my school had its music festival. Complete in a huge booked theatre with about 500 onlookers while my class sung Tegami (a Japanese song) and We are the world.
Nervous? Yes. Liked it? Loved it.
Sure, trying to sing a song in Japanese in front of lots of people is a bit doki doki but when I could hide my terrible voice within the sound of a class of 39 singing Japanese, it's not that bad. And I had no troubles singing We are the world (not that I like the song at all though, too politically correct).

But what really made me love the music festival was listening to the other classes, and the "private performances" by clubs or groups of three, they were brave.

Of course, the best of all was the song of the class that won, 10-2. They sang freaking Zankoku Na Tenshi No These and they were amazing.

So yeah, that was fun.

In other news I have picked my new classes for when I become a 12th grader (next school year starts in April, y'know). And I quickly noticed that 12th graders have awesome schedules. Every class consists of double hours, two periods that is. And we're supposed to have 10 classes altogether, if you're good at math (or simply not bad), you would understand that it's less than 4 hours of school per day (I have school on Saturdays, remember?). I'll either get myself some nice extra sleep in the morning or finish classes by noon, woohoo!

A slightly amusing fact is that I still haven't written my schedule here and probably never will before it becomes obsolete. That's the power of procrastination for you.

So what else is there to write about? Gee, that's a good question. I recently realized I've reached (my, look at that wonderful line of I's and R's) the point where my Japanese skills are good enough to say funny things and make people laugh with me (as opposed to saying stupid things making people laugh at me), so that's nice (It still feels like I suck at Japanese though).

I might be crazy, saying this. But I actually do think my creative ability has increased, somehow. Japan has given me loads and loads of time to spend thinking and I then get to train my transition from thoughts into English by writing this blog. Goodie.

Onwards. So it's like, 4 months left here in Japan now. Man, I'll never underestimate the power of time again. Anyways, I still haven't gotten into the second phase of "At first you will want to be home but later you don't want to return", I'm kind of stuck in the middle, like "It's fine here, I don't mind it". But that's not good enough.

It bears mentioning - my cellphone has been broken for nearly two weeks, depriving me of the daily crazy mails I'd come to love, oh well. I'll go get it fixed one of these days, hopefully buying myself a denshijisho in the same go (number 56# on my list of "things I should tell my younger self if I ever get the chance": Buy a denshijisho as early as possible, they're too goddamn helpful).

Is that all? No? Well I can't come up with anything at the moment, let's leave it like this.

söndag 17 januari 2010


So I figured I'd write something, just because.

School's started again and I've already gotten used to it. Stuff is happening.
Like, there's a music festival coming up, so all classes are practicing a song (a very popular one) during free hours. Despite my singing voice being the equivalent of a bulldozer running over an Organ, I'm having quite a lot of fun.

There are no 3:rd year students left in the school, apparently they're all free because they're applying for universities. Unfortunately, no 3:rd years means no Kendo, since the class consisted mostly out of students from grade 12.

Oh, and due to some exchange students leaving for home, some hours have become free for the rest of us to use. So now I have two extra Japanese lessons per week, group discussion (fun times).

You might notice that I've been practicing my punctuation, as I really do overuse my commas.


Onwards to other stuff!

You might know that I acquired a PSP for christmas (a blue one, at that). And back on the 9:th I got myself Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (the latest installment in the series) for it. Despite being marketed as the longest game yet (3 separate storylines for a total of 45 hours of gameplay) I finished it in 22 hours (over 5 days). I even managed to play through an entire storyline in just one day.

I obviously loved the game. And I'm still playing around with it for a 100% completion.
So what I'm trying to say is; if you have a PSP, get the game. It's a really good game in every prospect. Good gameplay, good graphics, good story, good characters and perfectly adequate control. Despite being a prequel for the Kingdom hearts series, people who don't even like the franchise should consider buying this. The story is strong enough to stand by itself and the game plays perfectly on the handheld.

After being all review-y about that, I should probably tell you how much I like my PSP.
Sure, it has a few drawbacks but there's one thing it has: Power.
When I first played the game on it, I couldn't believe such graphics were possible on a portable game system. It looked just as good as Kingdom Hearts II, a game for the PS2 (a stationary console). All I thought was "holy crap! It't like a portable Playstation". Then I remembered its name and it all made sense to me.

Another thing about the PSP is that it's magical. No seriously, listen to this.
When I switched discs from Dissidia to Birth By Sleep, I turned it off on the game menu, switched discs and turned it on.
Judge my surprise when the menu screen for Dissidia popped up on my screen.
That's right, it can play games without the disc, and it's possible to turn it off at any time during gameplay and it will just act as a pause. No more of the "I need to get to a save spot" or "I'm in a battle, I can't pause now". You can turn of "the damn thing" whenever you need to.

So that's about it right now. Later on today I'll go bowling with my host family, I guess it will be fun.